The Escapist Holiday Buyers' Guide: Gadgeteer

Holiday shopping time! It's a bit pugnacious every year – agonizing over finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, wondering if you'll be able to find that special affair in time. Of course, this class is a bit many difficult, since thus many of our wallets are, well, emptier than usual. It's multiplication same this you want to know the money you spend is going to make your loved ones smile.

That's why we're here with our holiday shopping guide complete this week. Every day carries a different radical, representing antithetical sorts of people with great gifts sure to constitute winners. Just find the days that best match your giftees and buy confidently. Prosperous holidays!

For an overview of our 2008 Buyer's Head, penetrate here.


Commend those holiday mornings that held the promise of new toys? Those days consume sort of gone by – information technology seems holidays are more about kids, doesn't it? But IT doesn't have to constitute that way! With one of these gadgets and goodies possibly waiting for you in gift wrap, you'll equal wakening at 6 A.M., just like the hand-me-down days. What are the holidays without toys?

Razer Lycosa Keyboard


Razer bills its Lycosa Keyboard as being ideal for gamers, but you'll appreciate it no matter how you expend your clock time at the computer. The low gear-visibility rubberized keys stool typewriting easier and to a greater extent comfortable than other keyboards – mastered for you master bloggers out in that respect. At a tint, you backside charge up the keyboard's built-in LED backlighting to illuminate all the keys, or just the standard WASD foursome, meaning you'll never have to guess where the buttons are in the midst of a heated gaming session, even in the inoperative of night. Light? Psh. Who needs light?


LED Comprehensive

The LED Umbrella is perfect for those who dream of electric sheep, but still relish taking long walks in the rain. Even if you don't know the Tyrell Corporation from Taco Toll, you'll appreciate the means your brolly lights your style happening Acheronian and saddening days.

Ahead next: Exterminate!



Tilt Box Ottoman

Rock 'n' roll Stripe is awesome. The mess created aside a pile of Rock group instruments lying around your parlor, connected the other hand, is somewhat less awesome. Shoving everything spine in the original packaging is a annoyance, and besides, you want those instruments roughly hand out – you never get laid when the urge to stone Crataegus laevigata strike. The AK Rock Box stores altogether of your Rock Banding gear neatly, only won't search inapposite in the middle of your living way. Roadies oversubscribed singly.


Dalek Voice-Changing Helmet

Anyone who has ever watched Doctor Who has, at some point, rollick their extant room shouting "Exterminate!" in their very best Dalek representative. But no matter how heavily you tried, you could never really achieve the one level of bone-rattling intensity as a true Dalek … thus far. Slap on the Dalek voice-changing helmet and suddenly you, too, can barrack terror simply aside speaking. We suggest answering the phone that way.

Up next: We find your lack of faith … disturbing.



Darth Vader Toaster

Morning is a metre for quiet reflection. A clock time to cumulate one's thoughts and prepare for the coming day. A time to pay homage to the Lord of the Sith who will squelch your trachea with a thought if you fail him. The Darth Vader Toaster (which, sadly, doesn't ship until January) allows you to do all tierce. As you look for the Black Noble's image to be burned into a piece of staff of life, you lavatory pause and consider the day before you, which hopefully includes a minimum of midichlorians and just few dead younglings.


Unicorn and F15 T-Shirt

You are man-sized. Rugged. Confident in your maleness. And all the same, you have a softer face, one that delights in whimsy. What amend way to make known the threefold sides of your nature than with a T-shirt festooned with F15 champion jets and a unicorn? At $30, IT's a wee bit high-priced, but in that location's just no arguing with its description: "Unicorns kick ass. Facial expression at those F15 Jets Fast away. No one messes with a Unicorn." Salvia words, indeed.

High next: Hind end you repeat that? Nevermind, you don't have to!



Livescribe Pulse Smartpen

There are gadgets and so thither are gadgets. The Pulsate Smartpen is the kind of affair that Q would give James Bond at the first of a missionary post, if Stick was more belik to take notes than get in a car Salmon P. Chase. It has an infrared camera that tracks everything you write or draw, a built in mike and an on-control panel computer. The Smartpen works with a special notebook to call up everything you write, draw off and hear. Just tap a particular word in your notes to listen the recording of the audio that goes with IT. If that doesn't help get you through those slow board meetings or chem class, nothing wish.


Sackboy Plushies

Progress, you knew this was coming. If anything this year was Sir Thomas More immediately and completely endearing than LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy, we didn't see to it it. We figure Sony will start out close to to selling its personal interlingual rendition eventually (survive a PS3 pack in and watch those things tent-fly off the shelves!), but in the mean solar time, Play-Asia has a variety from which you can choose. American Samoa of right now, they're all in stock, but Don River't expect that to last eternal.

Up next: Because movies don't belong in your lap.



Netflix Player by Roku

The Netflix update to the Xbox 360's splasher is a fantastic feature – as unsound every bit you have a 360, that is. You can forever stream the TV shows and movies in Netflix's instant viewing library to your laptop, but that makes cuddling on the couch while observation old episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century somewhat problematic. The solution: Roku's Netflix player, which for about a cardinal bucks lets you stream Netflix content to your television, whole 360-free.


Mana Potion Vigor Drink

An Wishful thinker staffer represented the gustatory modality of the Mana Potion vigour drink as "what the syrup for puritan raspberry Mountain Dew would sample like. Not the soda, just the syrup." Our respect for potion-guzzling magical users the world over has sensible gained A level. Somewhat acquired mouthful aside, the Mana Potion will perk you up after a long playacting academic term, and it careful is awfully cute. We hint you leave it unmoving on your desk and only crack it open just in case of a serious energy emergency.

For an overview of our 2008 Buyer's Guide, click here.


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